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Pre-Bible Study Prayer | 6pm every Tuesday

Zoom Info:


Bible Study Info

We are having a wonderful time in our Women’s Bible Study on Tuesday Nights at 6:30pm. We are going to live stream it to the WOW Faith Fellowship FaceBook page AND NOW on the church website!


New Group!

Walking in Faith Widow Support Group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month at 6:00pm, for support, discussion, and activities.

For more information, contact Ronda Hastings at

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Worship Encounter

Please join us online the 2nd Friday of each month as we gather together as sisters in Christ to encounter the Lord through a guided devotional that includes:

  • Music

  • Scripture

  • Prayer

  • Journaling

  • Private Meditation

  • Group Discussion

These encounters are powerfully refreshing and renewing. One sister said it was like going to a spiritual spa. We have a space saved for you!

Zoom info:

Women of Worth

VISION To inspire, equip and empower women to live extraordinary lives in Christ Jesus.

MISSION We desire to see women grow in their faith and to equip them to lead extraordinary and victorious lives as followers of Jesus Christ.


Through Women’s Bible studies, small groups, seminars, special worship services, support groups and other special events the Women’s Ministry seeks to reach women who are lost, to build up women who are struggling and to create an atmosphere where women who are hurting can find healing. Opportunities for prayer and one-to-one ministry are incorporated into our services.

We endeavor to provide practical teachings that enable women to “do life” better. We strive to teach and model the powerful principles of Kingdom living that enable women of God to live abundant lives. We provide opportunities for women to connect with other women in order to build relationships and share experiences in ways that help them grow. We encourage women to share their talents and abilities as vital and significant members of our community of faith and create opportunities to sharpen their skills.

In all of our services we are committed to providing dynamic worship that ushers women into the presence of God; teaching the Word of God with life changing power; and creating an atmosphere where women can reach out to other women of faith in order to bring their needs before the throne of God through faith-filled prayer.



Online every Tuesday at 6:30pm on the WOW Faith Fellowship Facebook page and Livestream.


Ronda Hastings
Director of Women’s Ministry 
510-357-5723 Ext: 154

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Upcoming Event

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Join us for our Ladies Night Out movie and fellowship evening. Light refreshments will be served in the foyer starting at 6:30. Our film, The Forge will begin at 7:00 pm.


*Childcare is not available.

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and Bible Studies - Small Group Listings
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