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Men's Gathering Group

Every Tuesday Night at 7:00pm | Prayer at 6:30pm


We encourage all Men to join us for our Tuesday night Men's Gathering where our goal is to be a band of brothers who lock arms with each other as we walk closely with Christ. We now meet In-Person & Zoom (hybrid) every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month.  And Zoom only every 2nd & 4th Tuesday.  Prayer starts at 6:30pm and the program starts at 7pm.


Join us for a timely, relevant message and teaching.   


Men’s group sends out a gathering announcement every week with speaker and topic via email and text.  If you are not receiving those and would like to – please send your contact information to


Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 8995 7893
Password: 580777

Men's Breakfast 2025

What a great time we had at our Annual Men's Breakfast.

Look out for announcements about upcoming events in 2025: Crab Feed, Bay Area Men's Conference, My Brother's Closet, Golf Tournament, Men's Camp, and Men's Movie Night.

Our Mission Statement

The men at Faith Fellowship are dedicated to operating and fulfilling the command of Christ Jesus’ spoken word of the “Great Commission,” Matthew 28:18-20. Each man is willing to obey the call of God to be a part of the body of Christ and use their spiritual gifts to serve God, lead and love their families, be an encourager to the next brother, sustain a personal relationship with our Almighty Father, and to guide others to the full gospel of our Lord and Savior.


The Men’s Connection will, “. . . be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus,”  2 Timothy 2:1.  “And in the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others,”  2 Timothy 2:2.


The ultimate goal of the Men’s Connection is to honor God in the discipling of other men!



Men’s Leader:   Danny Banks,

Men’s Ministry Message Line:   510-357-5723, Ext: 144


Men's ministry is a team sport here at Faith Fellowship!  We are blessed to have three committed teams to help pray,  plan,  and execute a vibrant men's ministry.

Men's Ministry Survey

All men of Faith Fellowship, please take this brief survey.

Men of Faith Fellowship - Welcome to the Men's Connection! Your participation at Faith Fellowship is vital to fulfilling the Great Commission.


We are in the process of putting our 12 month plan together for the Men's Connection and wanted to assess what your thoughts, your needs and your priorities are for YOUR spiritual walk over the next 12 months.


To that end, below is a link to a brief survey that will help us learn more about you and your want’s, priorities, men's ministry needs and what role on the team would you like to play.


Your individual answers will be kept confidential and will only be shared with the pastoral leadership group. We strongly encourage you to please take this brief survey.






We are eager to better serve the men of our church and community! Please support this effort by giving us your feedback through this survey.

Men's Calendar
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