Every Tuesday Night at 7:00pm
We encourage all Men to join us for our Tuesday night Men's Gathering where our goal is to be a band of brothers who lock arms with each other as we walk closely with Christ. We now meet In-Person & Zoom (hybrid) every 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month. And Zoom only every 2nd & 4th Tuesday. Prayer starts at 6:30pm and the program starts at 7pm.
Men’s group sends out a gathering announcement every week with speaker and topic via email and text. If you are not receiving those and would like to – please send your contact information to mensconnection@faith-fellowship.us or click here.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 975 8995 7893
Password: 580777
Men's Schedule - all at 7pm:
1st Tuesday:
Hybrid = Zoom & In-Person
2nd Tuesday:
Zoom only
3rd Tuesday:
Hybrid = Zoom & In-Person
4th Tuesday:
Zoom only
5th Tuesday - Prayer Night:
Hybrid = Zoom & In-Person
For more information on our Men's Ministry, click here.