ABOUT FaithKidz
Age 0-5 Years Crawlers & Walkers / Birth-2 Years / Nursery & Room 2
Each Sunday morning, we have care for ages 0-2 years old during both of our worship services. In this classroom, our greatest gift to give this age group is to show the love of Jesus by playing and nurturing them. We do this by providing loving arms to hold the children and a safe play haven. This age is divided into two classrooms so that we may best meet their needs. The 0-12 month babies (the Crawlers) are located in a room off the main sanctuary so that new babies can be close to their parents. The 12-30 month old babies are located in Room 2 of the FaithKidz building.
3 Year Olds / Room 3
This class, as appropriately named, is an active class. This class takes their playing seriously. They play in the classroom, around the classroom and outside (when weather permits). The Bouncers do a short and simple, yet fun curriculum by David C. Cook Publishing, that teaches them about God’s word.
4 and 5 Year Olds (Non-Kindergarteners) / Room 1
This age is climbing their way into elementary school! At this age, we understand the reward that can come from children learning about following Jesus Christ. But, getting the message across to preschoolers can be a challenge! Through creative play, circle time, arts & crafts, visual stories and Gospel Light Curriculum, we have created an interactive setting that fills the children’s day with delight in learning.
Bible Adventures
Elementary Ministry for Grades Kindergarten-5th Grade / FaithKidz Sanctuary
The elementary aged children participate in our Sunday School program called Bible Adventures. During the six week rotation the children learn the same bible story, through the different workshops.
Why do we teach the same Bible story in Bible Adventures?
Children love repetition and need it to learn and reinforce their lessons. Because the children rotate to different workshops each weekend they are learning the same Bible story using different styles of learning. This approach enhances their learning curve and makes it more exciting to learn about the Bible! We want our children to experience God’s word, not just hear it, so that they may apply it to their lives.
Why experience God’s word?
Retention is the key to learning. We retain and learn things through:
10% of what we READ,
20% of what we HEAR,
30% of what we SEE
50% of what we SEE and HEAR,
70% of what we SAY,
90% of what we SAY and DO and
100% of what we EXPERIENCE!
What does an average Sunday look like?
Whether you attend the second or third Sunday service, the elementary age children gather in the FaithKidz Sanctuary. First we play games such as God says or Jerusalem Numbers with our Worship Leader. After, we worship using classic, fun, and contemporary songs. The children sit according to their ages:
Kindergarten – 1st graders → Hikers
2nd – 3rd graders → Trekkers
4th-5th graders → Flyers
After worship, the Shepherd for each group takes them to their station for that particular Sunday. In that workshop, the Station Manager delivers the lesson in a memorable, fun and interesting way. After the Station Manager is done teaching, the children work on their Faith Journal Pages, or simply talk or pray with their Shepherd. Before the children leave, they gather together back in the FaithKidz Sanctuary, where they pray, have snack (sometimes made by their fellow classmates) and share time with each other while waiting to be picked-up.
What are the Stations and what do they do there?
There are 5 stations. They are:
Sinless Snacks is our snack center. During this station, kids make a snack related to the Bible story. Usually they make enough for the entire Bible Adventures crew. When learning about the Easter Story, we made Jesus’ Tomb Biscuits
Creation Station is our art center. In this station, our kids not only do crafts, but pieces of artwork too. While studying the Creation story, we made “Sillyettes” of ourselves.
Bible Mania is our game center. In this center we play games or do science workshops. During the story of Joseph and His Brothers, we played a game called “Wheel of Misfortune.”
Scripture Tent is our drama center. Here they participate in plays, re-enactments, dance and sign language. While learning about Joseph in Egypt, we did creative movement to act out the story.
Holywood is our video center. During this station, they sit back and watch a movie (while eating popcorn!) related to the story. We had a blast watching The Prodigal Son, while learning about the Parables of Jesus.
Keisha Riley, 510-357-5723, kids@faith-fellowship.us